

Main Information






Currently on out site you can read 8 abstracts from the works of contemporary Russian philosophers (philosophy of techniques -  the construction of a sign). You are welcomed to publish your works in section "Publications"

We have opened a section where you can get acquainted with the main information about the project "Philosophy faculty"
All the works that have ever been published on our site you can see in our Archive, as well as the full works the abstracts from which are in section "Publications".
We are planning to inform you about debuts and to prepare video-conferences. If you are interested in participating in such kind of conferences, please, contact us e-mail: philfaculty@mail.ru 
We have opened a new section where you can see links to other philosophical projects and philosophical resources on Internet.
Comments upon the works , please, send to our e-mail: philfaculty@mail.ru. We are sorry for such a discomfort.
Currently we are making chat on our site where everyone will be able to associate with philosophers and with people who are interested in philosophy from all over the world.
New section that we have opened is devoted to information about the project, about people who made it and about our plans for future.


Design by A. S.

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